How can I change myCLT password?

Go to, if you didn't register your email address during your first login on myCLT. Then wait 30 minutes before logging in again.

Follow the steps below, if you did register your email address during your first login on myCLT:

1. Go to

2. Type your student number followed by AND

3. Enter the characters in the picture or the words in the audio

4. Click on Next

account activeren1_EN

5. Select I forgot my password and click on Next

account activeren2_EN

6. Click on Email

account activeren3_EN

7. We have now sent a verification code to your second email address

account activeren_mail_EN

8. Enter the verification code and click on Next

account activeren4_EN

9. Enter your new password, confirm it and click on Finish

account activeren5_EN

10. You can now log in to your myCLT account using your new password!

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